Stage 4 Water conservation regulations remain in place for the Chapman Water System.
The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is working to secure water supply for users on the system.
Given how long the regulations have been in place, they saw a need to update the public and reassure them that steps are continuing to take place to address the situation.
On the question of why they still are in Stage 4, the SCRD said that with the 100 days of drought, and the immediate freezing at Chapman and Edwards Lakes, they have been in a period of relative unknown for the past few weeks.
Through working with the EOC, plans are being developed to bring other water sources online if needed.
Staff will go to Chapman Lake in the coming days, where once more is known about the level of the lake, as well as increased confidence that the water supply has been secured into the spring, decisions can be made about the potential for these regulations to be scaled back.