HomeNewsBritish Columbians ready and eager to get vaccine; Angus Reid survey

British Columbians ready and eager to get vaccine; Angus Reid survey

B.C’s largest immunization rollout in history is underway this week, and most British Columbians are eager to get their shot. 

According to a survey from the Angus Reid Institute, two-thirds (66%) of the population say they will be booking their appointment when it’s available, or they already have. 

Another 17 percent said they are happy to wait things out before having a jab that is available to them, while ten percent say they won’t, and a further seven percent say they aren’t sure.

The poll, which ran from March 1st-4th also highlighted that ⅓, or roughly 36 percent of British Columbians say they do not intend to get a vaccine right away.

According to the survey, the top two concerns for those people are the potential for long-term side effects and the speed with which the vaccine was developed.

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Vaccinations for Vancouver Islanders got underway Monday, with Island Health encouraging those over the age of 90, and indigenous peoples over 65 to call in and book their appointments. 

The health authority said the goal is to have every over the age of 80 on Vancouver Island immunized by April 12th. 

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