HomeNewsRecovery Rate North of 87 Percent, No New Deaths

Recovery Rate North of 87 Percent, No New Deaths

Eleven new COVID19-related cases were announced today, bringing the provincial total to 2,756.

There were no new deaths.

Vancouver Coastal Health is now up to 940 cases, while there have been no new cases on Vancouver Island.

Dr. Bonnie Henry has announced an additional healthcare-related outbreak, meaning there are now five in the province.

Those outbreaks affect 579 people, including 357 residents.

There are 172 active cases, eleven people are in hospital and five are in intensive care.

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The recovery rate is north of 87 percent (87.6), as 2,416 British Columbians have fully recovered from COVID19.

COVID19 Cases by Health Region:

Fraser Health – 1,425 (+5)
Vancouver Coastal Health – 940 (+6)
Interior Health – 195
Island Health – 130
Northern Health – 65

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