Connecting Through Experience
First Year Experience
Capilano Year Experience (CYE) allows students to take first-year university courses while forging deep connections with the communities and landscapes of the Sunshine Coast. Working from scholarly and applied perspectives, CYE courses focus on critical issues facing society today, from land use and local community development, to climate change and global politics. Students will explore the role of education and business in developing solutions. As a first-year student entering our integrated, cross-disciplinary curriculum, you will gain practical experience in research, creativity, and critical thinking that will lay the foundation of your future academic success.
You’ll also learn to use important communication and networking tools to build professional connections. Innovative in both delivery and content, CYE classes combine flexible and exciting online programming, interactive and engaging workshops, and work-integrated learning opportunities with local organizations. With access to career-training programs like LinkedIn Learning, you’ll apply your academic knowledge to real-world working situations, and draw on these experiences in your coursework in turn. The result is a connected and informed student ready to thrive in their community.
Programs to Shine Your Potential
Looking to advance your career, make a career change, or you’ve just graduated high school? Choose Capilano University Kálax-ay Campus Sunshine Coast where you can study where you live within a supportive learning community. They offer a range of programs including Health Care Assistant, Early Childhood Care and Education, and Adult Basic Education for upgrading, as well as Welcoming Communities and Literacy programs. Learn more at Capilano University Kálax-ay Campus Sunshine Coast.
For information about other courses and programs through their North Shore campus, please contact their advisor.